Sprachlicher Bereich

Cours de français à l'école d'Oberneukirchen  

Französischkurs an der MS Oberneukirchen

Im Schuljahr 2022/23 durften wir für besonders sprachbegeisterte Kinder den Talente Förderkurs FRANZÖSISCH anbieten. Dieser umfasste 20 Unterrichtseinheiten und wurde in halben Einheiten unterrichtet. Viele Stunden wurden in der Früh, noch vor dem regulären Unterricht, abgehalten. So eifrig sind die SchülerInnen der MS 😊.

An diesem Kurs nahmen bis zum Schluss 13 Kinder teil.

Neben dem konventionellen Spracherwerb wurden auch sprachbezogene Projekte durchgeführt. 
In der Küche ein
„Crêpes à l'orange“ mit französischem Rezept gekocht,
zu Weihnachten „le père Noël viens me visiter“ gesungen und dargestellt.
Als Abschluss wollten wir die erlernten Wortschatzbereiche in ein größeres Unterfangen verpacken. 
Dazu schrieben wir das Rotkäppchen „le petit Chaperon Rouge“ ein wenig um und drehten dazu einen Film.

Das Video findet man unter folgendem Link auf YouTube: https://youtu.be/SppuZlayjJ4

Unsere Kamerafrau war Jana Enzenhofer, als SchauspielerInnen wirkten: Miriam Ehrenmüller (Rotkäppchen 1), Mirjam Gußner (Rotkäppchen 2), Valentin Gruber (Wolf), Florentina Naderer (Mutter), Helena Gahleitner (Großmutter), Jasmin Mayer (Jäger).

In weiteren Rollen waren Maja Seidel, Stella Kohlbacher, Hanna Kapfer und Valentina Stallinger aktiv.


Hier noch einige Eindrücke von der Filmcrew:


Bericht und Fotos: Wilma Torreiter

CLIL lesson „Animals of the rainforest”

Today we tried to talk only in English during our Geography lesson. First, we did our usual revision of Austria and its federal states and after that we learned about animals of the rainforest as our topic is “tropical regions” at the moment.

Pupils of the 1a knew a lot about animals and were really interested in the subject. Moreover, they really tried hard to talk only in English.


Wir haben bereits in mehreren Fächern wie zB Biologie, Werken Textil, Sport,… CLIL Stunden durchgeführt. CLIL ist die Abkürzung für “Content and Language Integrated Learning”. Auf Deutsch wird diese Lehrmethode als “Integriertes Sprachenlernen” bezeichnet. Dabei wird eine Fremdsprache zur Vermittlung des Unterrichtsstoffes eingesetzt. SchülerInnen lernen dabei unter anderem, ihre Sprachfähigkeiten in der Praxis anzuwenden, zu erweitern und zu festigen. 

English project week March 6th – 10th 2023



Again we had native speakers at our school to spend a whole school-week with our 3rd-year students. It was „English only“ in all lessons. There was writing, a lot of talking, exciting stories and fun games in the classroom and in the gym.


At the end of the week our third-graders acted out modern fairy tales which delighted not only our school´s English teachers but also our girls and boys from year one and two.


Thanks to Maria and Tobi, who knew how to motivate the pupils and get them enthusiastic about English!

Some feedback of the participating third-graders:


In my opinion the native speaker week has been one of the best weeks in this year – so far.
It was very funny and we played a lot of games, e. g. werewolf or hot potato. We got points for each group for doing the exercises well. It was a really great ending with our performances of the fairy tale plays.


Mattias Aichberger, 3b

Some more feedback to come!


report and photos by Z. Neumüller

Students comments[3343].pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 398.4 KB


Here you can read some comments of 3b on the Native Speakers Week!

English Theatre - Download Fotos (über OneDrive, nur für Schüler und Lehrer der MS Oberneukirchen)



Today Vienna´s English Theatre performed VIRTUAL HEROES for us. What a show!



This is what some students of class 2b think about this school play. 


Marlis: The schoolplay was fantastic. My favourite actress was Sapphire and my favourite actor was Kevin. They were cool and funny! The computer scenes were very good. It was great fun!



Julia: I think the pay was very exciting and interesting, but it was also funny. The actors were really good. My favourite scene was the one where Sapphire Stone is singing. My favourite character is Rita. What a nice performance!



Niklas: The bomb and the pistol were great. It was a good play. The fight was cool too.



Johannes: It was nice. The bullies were very cool but to bully is not so good.



Dominik: It was cool and had a good story. My favourite character was Byron Tombs. I think it was a nice schoolplay.

Emilia: This play was very cool, because the two actors and the two actresses had good ideas. So there were a lot of funny scenes. My favourite one was when Byron Tombs read out the German letter. It was really nice and we had to laugh a bit. There were also two songs because Ritsa´s avatar called Sapphire Stone was eco-activist and a singer-songwriter.


My favourite actor was the one, that played the main character Kevin and Aaron, the crook. I find all actors and actresses were very nice! 


Simon: I think the play was awesome and funny. My favourite actor was the one who played the main character.